KJA Beginners Acrylic / Oil Painting with Kate Jones
A fun class exploring both acrylics an oils. Kate will help you to grow in confidence and move beyond being a beginner.
Are you dreaming of painting but not sure where to start? In this course we will learn the foundations of painting with acrylic and oil paints, from building your colour knowledge and colour mixing, to brush and palette knife techniques. Hands-on and fun, we will explore acrylic / oil painting methods from thin painting to look like watercolours, to thick action painting to look like oils.
You’ll complete two paintings by the course end, and for those really keen, you’re welcome to complete three works.
Cost Breakdown Member: $166.50 Incl. GST = $23.79 per class ($10.57 per hour).
Cost Breakdown Non Member: $185.00 Incl. GST = $26.42 per class ($11.75 per hour).
Beginners welcome.
What you need to bring depending on whether you want to paint with acrylic / oil paints.
Acrylic Painting Material list:
Tubes – Student Quality
- Titanium White 2 tubes (we use plenty of titanium white)
- Cadmium Yellow Light
- Yellow Ochre
- Cadmium Red Medium
- Alizarin Crimson
- Sap Green
- Ultramarine Blue
- Phthalo Blue
- Burnt Sienna
- Burnt Umber
- One charcoal drawing pencil
- A palette to mix your paints on; a plastic plate or similar is fine to start with.
The Warehouse has a range of acrylic paints in boxed sets – make sure you choose a set with larger 75 ml tubes so you have enough paint to work with.
Most colours can be mixed so don’t worry if a boxed set only has 5 ‘cool colours’ – we can mix most colours using these basics.
A selection of brushes: 4 to 5 acrylic paint brushes, choose a variety of thicknesses from very thin to 1 inch in diameter. Choose sizes and brands that you like; you can buy an acrylic painting brush set to start.
A small selection of palette knives: 1 or 2 palette knives are enough to start with.
Canvas: Bring two or three already-primed stretched canvas, e.g. one small (8 inch by 8 inch) and one or two medium (20 inch by 20 inch). You can bring a larger canvas if you want – remember that a very large canvas translates into a lot of work and might be the only painting you complete!
Oil Painting Materials List:
- Several printed images you are keen to paint – e.g. landscape country or urban; flowers; animals; buildings; still life (if you really want to paint a portrait I recommend you take a life drawing class first).
- Palette: wood (preferred), plastic or glass (large & flat so you can easily mix paints).
- Painting knife – cranked, with an elbow; palette knives, a couple of different sizes, used for mixing (the flat style with no elbow).
- Preferred brushes – synthetic is best with oils; various sizes of flats and filberts (rounded tips). Also, bring along a large brush about 2cm wide.
- White gesso for priming canvas or board; one or two tubes of acrylic paint for underpainting – any dark earthy colour e.g. burnt sienna or burnt umber.
- 1-2 boards, canvases, canvas boards, MDF, or hardboard: primed/sized, ready to go. Your preferred size – but larger is better than very small. Go big!
- Odourless turpentine & rags for clean-up.
Oil Paints: these are recommended:
- White (titanium or zinc)
- Yellow Ochre
- Cadmium Yellow (or the hue)
- Burnt Umber
- Burnt Sienna
- Alizarin Crimson
- Light Red or Cadmium Red (or the hue)
- Sap Green
- Ultramarine Blue
- Cobalt Blue
Recommended paint brands:
Schminke Norma, Windsor & Newton, Winton. Pebeo brand is fine to start with and often on special at Gordon Harris Art shops. Student oils are often available at the Warehouse and these are a good budget option to start with.
Current EAC members will receive 10% discount.
To find out more about how to become a member click on this link.