

SYA Advanced Mosaic Wednesday Mornings with Sonya Young

SYA Advanced Mosaic Wednesday Mornings with Sonya Young

8 Weeks Wed 9:30am - 12:00pm

$330.00 incl. GST

Mosaics are a great way to upcycle and create functional and decorative pieces out of pretty much anything. A fun and dynamic advanced class.

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SYA: Beginners Mosaic Monday Mornings with Sonya Young

SYA: Beginners Mosaic Monday Mornings with Sonya Young

8 Weeks Mon 9:30am-12:00pm

$330.00 incl. GST

This beginners mosaics class is a great way to upcycle and create functional and decorative pieces out of pretty much anything. A dynamic beginners class.

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